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Medication Bubble Packing


Mr and Mrs Smith are happy living at home but as they have gotten older, it has gotten progressively more challenging. Mr Smith takes care of Mrs Smith who has heart failure and takes 8 different medications throughout the day. Lately it has gotten harder for Mr. Smith to organize the medications for his wife and he needs some help. The couple places a very high value on continuing to live independently, hence their family is looking for solutions on how to support and help them.


One solution to this dilemma is a monthly Medication Calendar Card system from our Pharmacy. We package all of the patient's medications into multi-dose compliance cards, one for each specific time of administration. The cards are double-checked, sealed and labeled/color-coded by time of administration. We prepare the cards on a monthly cycle and deliver them to the patient's home. We can also accommodate shorter cycles for patients with frequent therapy changes.

Courtyard Pharmacy verified and organized all of Mrs. Smith's medications and packaged them into 4 different Medication Calendar Cards


Morning card that contains all her morning doses




Mid-day card that contains two lunch-time meds




Evening card that contains all her bed-time doses




 "as needed" card for the "booster" diuretic dose that she only takes on occasion her legs are very swollen

All Mr and Mrs Smith need to do is open the packet labeled with the corresponding date and time, take out the medication and take them exactly as prescribed by her doctor(s).

1 blister pack.jpg

Courtyard Pharmacy makes the set-up process easy for the patient and family: simply tell us precisely what medications the patient takes and the names of the doctor(s) that prescribe it and we do the rest: the pharmacist calls the doctor, obtains the prescriptions and reconciles any discrepancies.


Once the prescriptions and administration times have been confirmed, the pharmacy bills the patient's insurance for the medications and packages them into Calendar Cards and delivers to the patient's home. The Pharmacy also takes care of any therapy changes between the cycle dates. The patient and their family can all rest assured that there is a medication expert on the team to take care of any problems that arise. 


If you or anyone you know can benefit from this patient-centric system, call us and ask about Monthly Calendar Cards and other patient compliance assistance programs that we offer!


Please ask our staff for more information

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